Raising Music is now recruiting schools for partnerships in our powerful Music For Peace initiative "I Dream a World." This program currently involves ten schools in the Tri-State area, plus Washington DC.
This residency program involves and empowers students through literacy to write songs of peace using prompts about ending world hunger, fighting hatred and creating peace by way of discussing and envisioning simple ways to promote antiviolence. Demand is high for this program so please contact us now to ensure that the children you serve can have their lives enriched by this engaging musical experience.
The Music For Peace initiative is part of a larger goal as Raising Music will tour the United States, connecting the childrens' songs from coast to coast.

Upcoming Programs:
Raising Music instructor Robb McCall is currently teaching bucket drumming and hand drumming at various community centers throughout Philadelphia and New Jersey. "We focus on drumming technique, basic rhythmic theory, African and Hip-Hop rhythm patterns and combine them into longer pieces for a performance. So bring your own unique talents — dancers, singers and all instrumentalists are welcome as it all features rhythm!"
Let us know if your lower- or middle-schooler is interested and we will point you in the right direction to sign up!

Raising Music's Robb McCall completes 6-song CD of original songs with the 3rd Graders of Bear Tavern Elementary School in Hopewell NJ for their "Universal Playground" fundraiser!
Listen to one of the songs here...
On the heels of the hugely successful "I Dream a World" project of 2014, Bear Tavern Elementary School approached Robb about doing a songwriting residency with their kids based on the theme of a universally accessible playground so kids with disabilities could play with their friends on the playground. Robb came to the kids with choruses, some verse ideas and some conceptual prompts and the kids took it from there. He recorded the kids in their classrooms with a portable recorder, then took the tracks to his Charging Bull Studio in Philadelphia. He played all the instruments, did the arrangements and tracked the kids' vocals, keeping them the center of the mix and the center of attention.
If your school has a project in the works and you would like Robb and Raising Music to do a songwriting residency like this, please let us know! We are booking for the school year now so please be in touch soon...
Raising Music's "I Dream a World" residency at Hopewell Township NJ is a HUGE success!
Raising Music recently completed a dual music and art 20-day residency across two schools of 4th graders in Hopewell Township NJ. The 4th grade students of Bear Tavern Elementary and Tollgate Elementary Schools wrote songs based on prompts from instructor Robb McCall about how we can focus our minds on reasons why people fight and what we can do to keep those things from happening. The students contributed lyrics, melodies, solo parts for vocals and instruments and worked very hard to achieve a performance that greatly exceeded anything either school had attempted previously.
Along with the music portion of the residency, Pauline Houston McCall worked with the kids on an amazing project of each student making a clay sculpture self portrait with no tools other than their hands and an occasional toothpick.
The Times of Trenton was there to cover this amazing event. Check out the article and many great pics online by clicking this link:
The Hopewell Valley Regional School District also featured this event on their website:
Contact us now for Summer programs!

(for the little ones...!)
For your preschoolers, we have a very special music and movement program called Puddle Jumpers! Please click this link to go to our Puddle Jumpers website!
Mr. Robb receives letter from President Obama for "Thank You President Obama" video!