Combining music, history, literacy and theater, Raising Music is a unique, interactive experience for kids of all ages, featuring Pauline Houston McCall, a highly respected arts educator and Robb McCall, music producer and multi-instrumentalist.
Benefits to Audiences:
► Experience the knowledge and joy of music
► Gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of the continuing influence of music in relation to world cultures, world history and society
► Gain an understanding of the power and variety of communication through music
► Receive an enhanced sense of self-esteem through the music making and performance process
The “Raising Music” experience is:
► An engaging and widely experienced powerhouse musical duo based in Philadelphia
► Years of education and performance background
► Affiliated with several highly regarded art and community centers
► Educational and fun for diverse audiences of all ages
“I just wanted to thank you so very much personally for the wonderful performance by the Raising Music team! It was really incredible, a much needed workshop at our school and such an interesting and diverse way of sharing music and history with the students. I am so very pleased I could witness it.” - Premila Mistry, E.L. Haynes Music Teacher
"I learned that music is great" -Brennan
(2nd grade, Upper Pittsgrove School)
"The program was wonderful! The artists were fun and very talented!" -Susan Weil (Kindergarten teacher at
Upper Pittsgrove School)
"I loved the music you guys chose."
-Ashley (4th grade, Elmer Elementary School)